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Frequently Asked Questions

Enrollment & Application

Q: How do I enroll my child in Little Minds?
A: We invite you to select the most convenient Little Minds location. Once you’ve selected your campus, contact the school to schedule a tour and discuss availability. Your local Little Minds will be happy to assist you with enrolling your child.

Q: Are there forms I should fill out for enrollment?
A: Enrollment forms can be found on your Little Minds website.

Tuition, Cost, Price, Fees

Q: What is the tuition for Little Minds?
A: Little Minds tuition is set by each location and varies according to your child’s age and whether the enrollment is full-time or part-time.

Q: Sibling discount?
A: Yes, Little Minds offers sibling discount.Please check with the campus in which you wish to enroll to learn more about sibling discount.

Payment, Tuition Payment, late fees

Q: Is tuition pay weekly?
A: Payments are due every Friday for the following weeks admission. If tuition is not received by Friday the account will be charged a late payment fee of $40 dollars by Monday.

Schedule, Hours

Q: What are the hours of operation for Little Minds?
A: Hours of operation vary by location. On the Little Minds website you will find hours of operation listed.


Q: Hot meals?
A: Little Minds offers breakfast, hot lunch, morning & afternoon snack

Holiday Schedule

Q: How do I find out about holiday?
A: Please check with your campus Director about holidays that are observed by your school or visit our parent board.

Little Minds Locations

Q: How do I find a campus near me?
A: Little Minds Preschool– 1340 W. La Palma Ave. Anaheim CA 92801
Little Minds Infant & Toddler Center– 1035 W. La Palma Anaheim CA 92801
Little Minds Learning Center– 8760 Cerritos Ave. Anaheim CA 92804
Little Minds Montessori Academy– 34240 Camino Capistrano Capistrano Beach, CA 9262

Little minds Specific Info, Video Surveillance

Q: Is video surveillance available?
A: Many Little Minds locations offer video surveillance to ensure the safety of your child & our teachers. Please check with your local Little Minds regarding the availability of this service.


Q: Is transportation available?
A: Transportation pick up from local elementary schools to Little Minds

Play time

Q: How do children learn through play?
A: Through play, children learn about themselves, their environment, people and the world around them. As they play, children learn to solve problems and to get along with others. They enhance their creativity and develop leadership skills and healthy personalities. Play develops skills children need to learn to read and write. Play in early childhood is the best foundation for success in school.

Potty trained

Q: Does my preschooler need to be potty trained?
A: No. It is a personal belief that potty training can’t be forced or hurried.  Therefore, we welcome children at any stage of their potty training journey.  Preschoolers should come with extra supplies (diapers, wipes, pull ups, training pants, clothes, etc). Cloth diapers and training pants are welcomed, but per state regulations they will be bagged and sent home unwashed.

Personal belongings

Q: What should my preschooler bring?
A: Please send a good sized school bag or back-pack every day!  Many times your child will have a stack of things to take home. And please remember to label it!  An extra set of clothing is required for children under the age of three and not a bad idea for all children!


Q: What should my preschooler wear?
A: Because so many of our projects require creative spirits, you are encouraged to dress your child in clothes they can move freely and get messy in!  All the products we use are labeled “washable” to aid in clean up, so we can all relax and concentrate on learning!

You are responsible for applying sun-block and bug spray before school when you think it’s necessary.

As cool weather approaches please dress your child appropriately! Many children enjoy wearing layers so they can control their own body temperature while indoors! We will go out even in the coldest weather (it’s the best time to see your breath!) so keep your child warm!

Little Minds experiences

Q: What kind of experiences will my preschooler have?
A: Children develop concepts about themselves, others, and the world by observing, interacting with others and looking for ways to solve problems.  Each day, in consideration of the skills needed for Kindergarten, they will have the opportunities to do the following:

  • Develop large and small muscles through their play activities.
  • Develop language skills through stories, poems, talking, drawing and playing.
  • Express themselves through art and music

Teacher role

Q: What is the role of the teacher?
A: The role of the preschool teacher is that of a guide.  The teacher will guide the children through lessons and play experiences, encouraging language and thinking skills while fostering good social skills.  This will all be done through developmentally appropriate activities.  The teacher will help to build the child from the inside out.

Our Mission

Q: What is Little Minds Mission?
A: At Little Minds, it is our mission to enrich children’s lives through a quality, age appropriate and academically enriched child development program. We are committed to a developmentally appropriate practice. Our program emphasizes a hands on learning approach which encourages self help, social & emotional development, self esteem and academic skills.

Ready to Join the Adventure?

Start Your Child’s Journey Today

Embarking on the educational journey is a big step for your little one, and choosing the right preschool is just as significant for you. Download our enrollment package to learn more about our programs, enrollment process, and how Little Minds can be the perfect fit for your family’s needs.

Download Enrollment Package
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